Jay Duggan. March 18, 2021
Lisa Hanson, owner of Interchange Bistro in Albert Lea, was shutdown, fined, and sued by the courts and MN Dept of Health for opening in defiance during the last holiday shutdown order by Dictator Walz. After a court restraining order she was out of business and not even in contact with public. Emergency powers purpose “to protect the public” fulfilled, right? Well, Lisa returned the favor by suing all the parties involved in her shutdown for violating her rights, and a lawsuit by a “little person” cannot be tolerated. Lisa was charged for Walz by Kelly Martinez (City Attorney of Albert Lea) with 9 new CRIMES of dictator defiance to teach her a lesson. She was already closed and tied up in a mountain of civil fines, restraining orders, and court dates so “to protect the public” was off the table and enhanced by some good old fashioned revenge. Lisa and Interchange were already fighting the civil charges using her legal fund HERE.

Lisa was instructed by Freeborn County Sheriff Kurt Freitag that he’s ok with 1 man emergency powers being used to invent crimes that have nothing to do with protecting the public from a virus, and to present herself for arrest. Since Freeborn County is now run by the unelected employee of the City of Albert Lea, Lisa wanted to inform the Sheriff that the new county master has not fulfilled her duties to the letter of the law or the judge’s previous orders before seeking an arrest warrant. Lisa Hanson has issued the following letter to Sheriff Freitag:
BREAKING: Lisa Hanson’s Response to Imminent Arrest
What follows is a document prepared in conjunction with Lisa Hanson’s legal team in response to a request made by the Freeborn County Sheriff’s Office for Lisa to present herself for arrest or otherwise to be arrested by the Sheriff’s office.VIEW ORIGINAL DOCUMENT HERE (PDF)
March 18, 2021
To Sheriff Freitag:
I will accept your offer of voluntarily submitting myself to arrest expressly conditioned upon satisfactory proof that the warrant of arrest for my non-appearance for a bail hearing on March 10, 2021 was upon issuance of a summons made in accordance with the Minnesota Rules of Criminal Procedure Rule 3.01 and Rule 3.02, Subd.3 and further conditioned upon certification that the court has established findings of fact upon the record to conclude its jurisdiction as a matter of law against the following challenges made on the record:
The Record
Case No. 24-CR-21-137
1. A written challenge to jurisdiction of the court was filed into the record on February 3, 2021 for case no. 24-CR-21-137.
2. An Objection and Exception to void order was filed on February 8, 2021 establishing that the court refused to conclude its jurisdiction upon finding of facts from the record over repeated objections to proceeding further without said findings.
3. The record reflects that I did not understand the charges in any hearing for arraignment in case no. 24-CR-21-137 and could not enter a knowing, intelligent, and voluntary plea to the charges without understanding the nature and the cause.
4. An unopposed Motion to Dismiss for want of jurisdiction was filed on February 16, 2021.
5. A Demand for a Bill of Particulars as to the nature and cause of the accusations was filed into the record on March 1, 2021 in case no. 24-CR-21-137.
6. The Bill of Particulars has not been answered by Kelly Dawn Martinez in case no. 24-CR-21-137.
7. There are no findings of fact from the record to conclude in personam and subject matter jurisdiction of the court in case no. 24-CR-21-137 against the written challenges made thereto.
8. The court has yet to arraign me in case no. 24-CR-21-137 having my acknowledged understanding of the nature and cause of the accusations.
Case No. 24-CR-21-188
9. A written challenge to jurisdiction of the court was filed into the record on February 8, 2021 for case no. 24-CR-21-188.
10. An Objection and Exception to void order was filed on February 8, 2021 establishing that the court refused to conclude its jurisdiction upon finding of facts from the record over repeated objections to proceeding further without said findings.
11. The record reflects that I did not understand the charges in any hearing for arraignment in case no. 24-CR-21-188 and could not enter a knowing, intelligent, and voluntary plea to the charges without understanding the nature and the cause.
12. An unopposed Motion to Dismiss for want of jurisdiction was filed on February 16, 2021.
13. A Demand for a Bill of Particulars as to the nature and cause of the accusations was filed into the record on March 1, 2021 in case no. 24-CR-21-188.
14. The Bill of Particulars has not been answered by Kelly Dawn Martinez in case no. 24-CR-21-188.
15. There are no findings of fact from the record to conclude in personam and subject matter jurisdiction of the court in case no. 24-CR-21-188 against the written challenges made thereto.
16. The court has yet to arraign me in case no. 24-CR-21-188 having my acknowledged understanding of nature and cause of the accusations.
17. Kelly Dawn Martinez applied for a warrant of arrest in respect of both case 24-CR-21-137 and 24-CR-21-188 on February 9, 2021.
18. Judge Beultel denied the application for warrant of arrest by order dated February 16, 2021.
19. Judge Beultel stated in said order “Summons Defendant into court on this allegation. Set this up for a Zoom hearing, I do not want to issue a warrant at this time.”
20. No summons issued by a judge of the district court.
21. No summons issued by a court administrator under order of the district court.
22. Kelly Dawn Martinez knew or had a duty to know that she was responsible for facilitating the issuance of a summons in accordance with the rules of criminal procedure.
23. Judge Beultel had the duty to know whether a summons had issued to command my appearance for a bail hearing on March 10, 2021 prior to executing a warrant for my arrest for non-appearance.
24. Judge Beultel issued the warrant of arrest without findings of fact from the record to conclude the jurisdiction of the court as a matter of law.
25. Judge Beultel issued the warrant of arrest without exercising due diligence to establish that a summons had issued to compel my appearance for a bail hearing on March 10, 2021.
26. Kelly Dawn Martinez allowed the arrest warrant to issue knowing that she had not performed as instructed by the court to facilitate the issuance of the summons and knowing that no summons is docketed on the court records.
27. An Objection and Exception to Void Warrant of Arrest and Motion for Recusal of Judge Beultel was filed into each of cases 24-CR-21-137/188 on March 11, 2021.
Counter Claim
I, Melissa Lynn Hanson, (“Claimant” herein) HEREBY NOTICE my Public Servant, Kurt Freitag, in his full capacity as a man acting in agency for the People living in Freeborn — a territorial and political subdivision of the state of Minnesota — duly elected to serve in the Office of the Sheriff — the highest law enforcement officer of the state within the territorial boundaries of Freeborn — that any act performed under guise of the Office of Sheriff in the restraint of my liberty will be a denial of my due process rights and I will hold you and any deputy under your charge to account for redress of the wrongdoing in your personal capacities, jointly and severally, according to the following schedule:
Notice to Each Person in the Office of the Sheriff
5. $2,000,000 for any collection of any biometric information including but not limited to finger prints, nose swab, blood test, urine test, any form of DNA sampling, any form of virus or bacterial sampling from my person.
Ignorantia facti excusat, ignorantia juris non excusat. Ignorance of facts excuses, ignorance of law does not excuse. 1 Co. 177; 4 Bouv. Inst. n 3828.
I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of Minnesota that I have read the foregoing document and to the best of my knowledge and belief the factual statements and declarations made therein are true and correct and made in good faith and will testify to the same in open court upon any dispute of fact established by sworn testimony of any person having personal knowledge of the facts if called to do so; excepting as to those matters therein stated upon information and belief and as to those matters, I verily believe the same to be true.
Executed on this 18th day of March, 2021:
Melissa Lynn Hanson, sui juris
Criminal Procedure

GET INVOLVED and start or attend a meeting of conservatives in your county/area to be aware of, and active in persuading current office holders. Or volunteer to help in local or state efforts.
This is NOT the kind of thing that ever happens in a FREE country. This is what happens in a fascist, communist regime!!! Walz thinks he’s a King, but didn’t we leave this shit behind way back something like 1776?
I hope the state and county get kicked in the balls on this one.
Might I suggest a possible response to the overreach of the current occupier of the Governors Mansion? I propose that all employed Minnesotans alter their W2 statements one day after the last day of filing taxes this year to claim the allowed number of dependents and see how much less the vultures will be able to rob from us. Just remember that when you file in 2022 to claim only the actual number you are allowed.
How do I get involved locally???
Aitkin County
This makes me so angry! Where are the elected officials to back Lisa up, Paul Gazelka said he’d hit Ellisons office hard in the budget for this kind of thing!
I’ve not heard a word from those cowards yet!