Jay Duggan October 6, 2021
There is a mom uprising across Minnesota, just like the rest of America. Stillwater Minnesota is no different. The concern in Stillwater has been based around mandatory masking in opposition to parent opinion, more questions about “equity” insertion into schools, added to the previous parent frustration with poor financial transparency and decisions by the Stillwater Public Schools school board. The parents, led by moms, have repeatedly shown up at school board meetings to demand answers to many of their concerns and also voice their disapproval over decisions made with little or no public input.
Stillwater parents were treated with disdain and outright dismissal by the Teachers Union controlled school board at many previous school board meetings, so the parents came to the obvious conclusion that the school board works for the teachers and education system, and not for the parents and taxpayers. Surprise, surprise….the school board is a bunch of elected officials promoted into office by the Democrats biggest and controlling special interest, the teachers union. The dirty secret that there is no such thing as a “non-partisan” is out in the open. How crazy is the Stillwater School Board? How about 9/11 was “..an unpopular position taken by a courageous few in a clamor for justice” and “Every American President since WW2 was a war criminal” crazy. Yes, Board Member Dr. Anne Porbeni (formerly Brisibe) wrote that HERE.
Parents don’t want politics making decisions in schools. They want education outcomes driving decisions. Stillwater Public Schools has only one school board elections this year to vote for a change, and that is WRITE-IN CANIDIDATE – JESSICA L. JOHNSON vs. the Teachers Union puppet on the ballot. WRITE-IN JESSICA L. JOHNSON (write it down and take it with you). The board also wants a school property tax hike referendum to pass in November. Do you give a school board more money if you think they are not spending wisely, indoctrinating kids in politics instead of teaching them, and have disdain for their constituents? Of course not; Stillwater parents have started a “VOTE NO” campaign for the property tax hike referendum, and started addressing their fiscal concerns and carrying small signs into school board meetings.
In frustration of having to deal with parent comments and signs against the referendum, at the September 23rd PUBLIC school board meeting School Board Chair Beverly Petrie can be seen in the video below calling for parents and children sitting quietly and holding “VOTE NO” signs to “leave the room” or she will have them trespassed and cleared forcibly by the police, and she asks for the police to come fulfill her request. The Stillwater PD officer present at the board meeting can been seen coming forward to tell the Board Chair Beverly Petrie that’s not how Constitutional 1st Amendment rights work for peaceful people at a PUBLIC meeting.
AFTER the “sign incident” passed and public comment portion of the meeting had started a left-wing kook assaulted (allegedly) a “VOTE NO” young student by slamming her with a white board (to block the signs from view?) and then another man who inserted himself between the man and the student. Since this episode was also caught on the school district video it appears the (alleged) aggressor is facing misdemeanor assault charges. The School Board Chair that asked the sign parents to leave and threatened to trespass using police DIDN’T EVEN ASK THE ASSAULTER (alleged) TO LEAVE after requesting the police come back to address the issue.
Misdemeanor Assault Citation –

Rocks and Cows sent an inquiry to Republican Senator Karin Housley WITH THE ABOVE DISTRICT VIDEO OF TRESPASSING INCIDENT ATTACHED. We asked if after viewing the video and hearing that peaceful constituents of hers were threatened to be trespassed by police AT A PUBLIC MEETING by School Board Chair Beverly Petrie in Karin’s district, would she have a comment to denounce such behavior by the Board Chair, praise the officer, stand up for PUBLIC meetings, demand free speech? Could Rocks & Cows tell citizens what her response to this incident was?

Our first response from that inquiry was the typical political canned response from Karin that “a staffer would inquire further” and they will get back to us. I followed up after several days asking if they dropped the issue, and got the following response letter from Republican Senator Karin Housley’s “staffer” Angelique McDonald.

Yep, the “staffer” called the teachers union mask and equity pushing Board Chair Beverly Petrie and her Superintendent employee to determine the facts. Karin’s office didn’t ask any of the other board members, including the lone conservative leaning member, or a parent meeting attendee, or even the police officer present if the accusation of calling the police on parents to trespass them was true. NO. KARIN’S OFFICE ASKED THE DFL SCHOOL BOARD CHAIR TO TELL THEM A STORY, AND ACCEPTED THE LIE THAT THE ASSAULT ***AFTER*** THE BOARD CALLED THE POLICE ON PARENTS WAS JUST A “SCUFFLE” AND THE ONLY TIME THE POLICE HAD BEEN ENGAGED, AND CONSIDERS THE ISSUE SETTLED. Either Angelique from Karin’s office and Karin Housley never watched the school board meeting video we attached and totally neglected to do their jobs being satisfied to take the word of an accused progressive politician over her own voters, OR THEY DID KNOW THE TRUTH AND INTENTIONALLY SIDED WITH A DFL SCHOOL BOARD OVER THEIR OWN VOTERS TO AVOID HAVING TO TAKE A POSITION AGAINST LEFT WING POLITICIANS.
SIDE NOTE – Karin’s DFL Senate election opponent in the last election, local teachers union president Josiah Hill, was present and is not visibly noted on the video or by attendees as having objected to School Board Chair Beverly Petrie trying to trespassing parents with the cops, or intervening in any of the (alleged) assault activities by a spouse of one of his own members. In a color me shocked moment, it was discovered that the totally “grass roots volunteer” organization supporting the tax hike levy referendum to cover the last round of teachers raises is funded by donations from Josiah’s teachers union to the tune of approx $7000! Donating to buy votes for their own unaffordable raises thru another property tax hike. Anybody surprised?

Despite the teachers union and Biden demanding the FBI investigate parents at school board meetings, there are still Republican politicians that are all too happy to complain in St Paul, or on their Facebook feed, about the teachers union and the DFL pushing mandates, rewarding staff pay w/o achievement metrics, and pushing “equity” on your kids. But, when the rubber hits the road and the parents need real help to make real change? Crickets, and even backing the school boards doing the dirty work. With “friends” like that…………..
Prior to posting this article, we again reached out to Housley. We sent her a preview of the post and asked that everything in the post is correct and accurate as well as asking for comment. At the time of posting, we have received no correspondence from her or her staff on the post.
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