Jay Duggan. February 22, 2021

RocksAndCows.org reported back in December on the fascist crazy COVID directives from the Red Wing city council warning people about getting fined and/or arrested for gathering IN GROUPS OF 10 OUTDOORS against Dictator Walz’s directives. We also reported on the reply from our inquiry of the enforcement notice from Red Wing head COVID Fear Director and Enforcer Ms. Becky Norton. Becky said she had a duty to warn people of Walz’s dictates and then enforce as a necessary part of her job to protect our constitutional rights “inclusive of healthcare”. Obviously Becky has one of those special copies of the US Constitution that has the “healthcare” exclusion after The Bill of Rights.

RocksAndCows.org also inquired of the Red Wing Police Department of the COVID enforcement directive from the City. The officer we spoke with made it clear the directive was solely the creation of the city council, that they hoped not to “use their discretion” for any enforcement, and instructed us to speak with elected officials if we had a problem with the COVID directives. Translation – Crazy people at City Hall thought this up, we hope not to have to act, and call to officials at City Hall if you want the directives reversed.

Little did RocksAndCows.org know, but the fascist COVID directives from City Council were just the tip of the crazy in Red Wing. After George Floyd died, Council President (and resident progressive woke socialist) Becky Norton decided Red Wing too was full of “systemic racism” and helped to institute a Policy Advisory Team to advise the city on all things racial “equity” and the police. 12 PAID residents with no experience in or with local government were selected from a pool of unscreened applicants, and are led by a city communications staffer and a “head facilitator” from Center for Policing Equity (CPE). CPE is one of the coastal progressive orgs that sees every traditional institution as inherently racist. Any statistical anomaly between police interaction and population percentage divisions is proof of “systemic racism” for CPE. They are the “reimagine police” people and very sympathetic to the “defund” the police people also. All racism all the time. The Policy Advisory Team meetings take some written notes, provide materials used in discussion, and has select snippets of some meeting presentations available to the public, but it should be pointed out they are in violation of the public meeting laws by shielding full discussion, debate and decision rationale BY PAID CITY EMPLOYEES from the public. 12 citizens with no experience in local government told by a professional progressive BLM race profiteer how systemically racist Red Wing is and proposing solutions from her tried and true guidebook? What could go wrong? Becky was also unhappy she didn’t get to get to pick the police officers to coordinate with the Team.

(Yes, the crazy is real in Red Wing)

Don’t take our word for it. They announced the crazy right in the City Council meeting.

(City Council mtg announcing their fight against “systemic racism” in Red Wing)

Between Becky and her kook council minions looking for “systemic racism” and the KKK under every rock AND BEHIND EVERY BADGE in Red Wing, coupled with her Walz bootlicking COVID enforcement directives, and all the Karens no doubt calling 911 daily for mask violations, would you be surprised to learn RED WING CITY COUNCIL FIRED THE POLICE CHIEF?

It appears from the City Council listed complaints within their dismissal letter. Among the council’s justification to fire Chief Roger Pohlman was that he took personal offense at his department being labeled racist, since the Policy Advisory Team STARTED with the assumption that the police department was “systemically racist” and had moved straight to the “solutions” phase. Mind you, there have not been any reported incidents of police abuse or racism since forever. The council claimed Roger was acting like the council was “anti-police” (the same council investigating his department to correct unproven racism allegations). The council said the Chief “showed a lack of leadership with the Advisory Team” (he wasn’t excited enough to root out his own “systemic racism”). The council was also upset they had to coordinate some citizen meetings where he did not take their repeated complaints seriously (Can you say Mask Karens and BLM activists whining about Trump flags?).

It appears a few citizens are dismayed that this much crazy has invaded their small town, and that a police chief could be fired for not enthusiastically investigating and “correcting” unproven accusations of “systemic racism” about his own department, and having the opinion that city council is “anti-police”, or being fired for not being enthusiastic about enforcing fines on COVID mask and gathering violators. Citizens have written a letter to the paper and intend to act further, having stated that there are people in town that need firing but it isn’t the police chief. I think this is what they have in mind!

Correction – It was stated here no public statement had been made on the issue by state representatives. We correct that by including Rep. Barb Haley’s character and professional reference for the Chief and demand for transparency in the Chief’s discipline process in THIS LETTER TO CITY COUNCIL. If we become aware of additional statements we will include them in any update.

RocksAndCows.org will keep you updated, and you will hear it first if you SUBSCRIBE.

One thought on “RED WING CRAZY – Police Chief Fired By BLM Activists.”
  1. And because of what we’ve done here in Minnesota our border cops can no longer assist Minnesota cops!

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