Sign the petition below to demand Paul Gazelka and the rest of the Republican Senators stand up for the people of Minnesota. Fire Jan Malcolm now!
Sign the petition below to demand Paul Gazelka and the rest of the Republican Senators stand up for the people of Minnesota. Fire Jan Malcolm now!
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This is a reply I got from the mn gov . The Governor is sticking to his narrative . He could care not a tinkers damn about the people of Minnesota .
December 10, 2020
Mx. John Kreft
215 Mckay Ave. N .
Alexandria, MN 56308-2859
Dear Mx. Kreft,
Thank you for taking the time to contact our office. We appreciate hearing your thoughts and concerns.
Over 3,000 Minnesotans have lost their lives to COVID-19, and it is more important than ever that we continue to take this pandemic very seriously. Almost every day, we’re hitting new records of case growth and hospitalizations. That’s why Governor Tim Walz extended the peacetime emergency on November 12 to give the state the tools and flexibility necessary to respond to the pandemic.
At the beginning of the pandemic, the Governor asked Minnesotans to help slow the spread of the virus as hospitals built up capacity to ensure they could care for everyone who falls ill. That extra capacity is now being put to the test as the virus spreads quickly across the state, region, and country. More people are getting sick, including our health care workers, which is impacting hospitals’ ability to provide care even when there are enough actual hospital beds. This has put our hospitals on the verge of dangerous capacity shortages with some hospitals already reporting turning away new patients.
Throughout the pandemic, Governor Walz has followed the data. Now the data is moving rapidly, and so must we. The scientific research and public health data indicate the risk of spread is greatest when people gather for long periods of time, especially when masks are not consistently worn. For instance, a quick stop at a retail store with a mask and social distancing appears to be lower risk than a gathering of friends for dinner where guests are likely to be seated closer together and unmasked while eating or drinking—whether it’s at a restaurant or in their own home.
Our understanding of the data and the risks associated with COVID-19 are the backbone of new measures rolled out on November 18. It is about the potential for spread of COVID-19 where it is most risky. Governor Walz announced a dial back on social activities, in-person dining, sports, and fitness establishments for four weeks.
This means we are asking Minnesotans to hit pause on their social lives. No gatherings with people outside of your household.
Restaurants and bars are dialed back to delivery and takeout only. Gyms and fitness studios will need to close. Entertainment venues, event spaces, and similar establishments are also closed.
Youth sports are on pause. As a former football coach, Governor Walz recognizes the positive health impacts and unique developmental and social benefits of sports. But the 192 outbreaks connected to sports are too concerning to let these activities continue during this dial back. Sports-related cases are nearly twice as prevalent among high school-age children as any other age group, and they increasingly play a key role in the need to move schools to distance learning.
Places of worship – with appropriate social distancing, masking, and other mitigation measures – remain at the same capacity.
Salons, barbershops, and personal services also remain at the same capacity.
Childcare is open. Schools continue to operate under the Safe Learning Plan, which moves between distance, in-person, and hybrid model depending on the severity of the virus at the local level.
Minnesota joins an increasing number of states imposing similar measures, including California, Michigan, New Mexico, Oregon, Washington, and Vermont. In the near term, we know that this will be incredibly hard on many people. That is why Governor Walz is calling on the federal government to take immediate action to help our businesses and families make ends meet.
In the long term, we hope that this significant step will prove beneficial to Minnesotans, our schools, and our economy, and safely bridge the gap to more permanent solutions to this pandemic. If we don’t take action now, there will be no economy to save. Minnesotans took action to stop the spread of COVID-19 in the spring. We did it before, and we can do it again.
For more information on the state’s response to COVID-19, please visit mn.gov/covid19 or staysafe.mn.gov for more information on guidelines for businesses and public spaces. You can mitigate the spread of COVID-19 by continuing to:
Stay home when sick. This is especially important during an outbreak.
Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.
Wear a mask when in public spaces.
Keep 6 feet apart from people outside of your household.
Stay informed. With the information evolving rapidly, the best way to stay up to date is by following the guidelines from the Minnesota Department of Health and the CDC.
We believe your voice is critically important as Governor Walz and Lieutenant Governor Flanagan work toward One Minnesota. Please feel free to continue to follow our progress by visiting our website: http://mn.gov/governor.
Thank you again for your feedback and suggestions. Please contact our office with any further questions or concerns.
Public Engagement Department
Office of Governor Tim Walz and Lieutenant Governor Peggy Flanagan
75 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
Ste. 130
Saint Paul, MN 55155-1611
Office: 651-201-3400
Why does Tim Walz, Health advisors et al
Give news conferences, EO’s concerning shut downs, extended shut downs NEVER show them masked or social distancing???
We were told “FLATTEN THE CURVE”
We did that. We all know the virus is 1000 times smaller then what any mask can block. This virus will never go away. The 1919 Spanish flu is in our DNA. We flatten the curve and you change the metrics. You fudge the numbers, you move the goal posts. Every time we get to the new goal you change it again.
We know the virus is bad, so is t h e flu. So is measles. You don’t shut
down everything for a yr or longer. We already don’t have an economy.
I sent a lengthy letter to Paul about firing Jan Malcolm. I don’t think it will ever happen and here is his response.
I appreciate you reaching out about this and sharing your concerns. I have voted 6 times to remove emergency powers from Governor Walz. Each time this vote gets a majority in the senate, but fails in the House. The House needs to vote along with the senate in order to remove the emergency powers and that has not happened yet.
I know how much Minnesotans have suffered and are continuing to suffer. If this doesn’t stop soon there will be nothing to go back to. I will continue to call for Walz to end the emergency powers himself as well as call on the House to do their duty to their constituents and remove the governor’s powers.
As for our commissioners – I, along with my senate colleagues, will continue to call for the best person qualified for those positions.
Thanks again for reaching out and let me know if you have any other concerns or questions about these or other State or Legislative issues.
Paul Gazelka
Paul Gazelka
Majority Leader
Minnesota State Senator | District 09
[email protected]
o: 651.296.4875