Jay Duggan. February 25, 2021
Minnesota Senate WITH DEMOCRATS, REPUBLICAN, AND INDEPENDENT VOTES passed bills to revoke emergency powers, send school opening and closing power to the districts, and allow businesses to open 100% if they had their own COVID plan. All common sense measures. There is even #LetThemPlay bill for local control of youth sports mask rules coming down the pipe. THAT TOO WILL PASS WITH GOP, DFL AND IND. VOTES!

SENATE VOTED TO REVOKE DICTATOR POWERS IN JANUARY AND FEBRUARY and senators from all parties voted in affirmative to make it happen. What did the DFL House do? Action 4 Liberty detailed exactly how the DFL made up a fake committee to examine HOW to revoke powers and stall for time, led by REP. GENE PELOWSKI – WINONA. Gene is holding meetings with no solution and just killing time. REP. JULIE SANDSTEDE – HIBBING made a weak proposal in that committee to let Walz’s powers expire but allow the legislature to vote to keep his mask and shutdown rules in force longer. Even that weak measure was too strong for REP. DAVE LISLEGARD – VIRGINIA, cuz Dave proposed “fixing” the proposal to ALLOW ONLY ONE LEGISLATIVE BRANCH VOTE TO KEEP DICTATOR MANDATES IN PLACE. Which branch did you have in mind Dave? Just letting the DFL House vote to keep dictator mandates, and exclude the Senate?
DAVE LISLEGARD, JULIE SANDSTEDE, AND GENE PELOWSKI ALL LIED TO US. They all voted multiple times to revoke dictator powers BEFORE we voted for them, and now they back their Mpls DFL masters when their votes would matter and could end this bad circus.
SENATE VOTED TO SEND ALL SCHOOL CLOSING AND OPENING DECISIONS TO THE LOCAL DISTRICTS, and it too passed with votes from all parties. Where is the DFL House companion? Senator Kent Eken – Moorhead/Detroit Lakes voted to pass the bill. WHERE IS REP. PAUL MARQUART’S BILL? Paul is a Rep in Senator Eken’s district. Eken knows his voters want schools under local control and open, SO WHY IS REP. PAUL MARQUART – DETROIT LAKES STANDING IN THE WAY AS MINNEAPOLIS DFL VOTE #40? Dictator Walz and AG Ellison are now charging ppl that opened in the last shutdown WITH A CRIME PUNISHABLE BY JAIL!
SENATE VOTED TO ALLOW BUSINESSES TO OPEN 100% EVEN IF WALZ DISAGREES. All parties again voted for the bill. Senator Jason Rarick -Cloquet/Mora was leading the charge to put his businesses back to work. Wedding venues have been closed for a year, bars and restaurateurs have been shuddered TWICE and still only get 50% with an early close. WHERE IS REP. MIKE SUNDIN -CLOQUET? He also voted multiple times BEFORE the vote and TOLD BUSINESSES AFTER THE VOTE he would again to revoke powers. HE LIED. He voted the way the Mpls DFL made him when his vote would count. Where is his bill to open businesses? Where is his vote to revoke?
SENATE WILL VOTE IN A WEEK OR TWO TO ALLOW LOCAL CONTROL OF YOUTH SPORTS MASK RULES. Very likely this bill too also sails thru committee and a floor vote with BIPARTISAN VOTES. Senator Tom Bakk – I Falls/N Shore and Senator Karin Housley – Stillwater have talked about this issue needing to pass. SO WHERE ARE REP. ROB ECKLUND – I FALLS and REP. SHELLY CHRISTENSEN- STILLWATER with a companion bill? Mustangs and Ponies moms and kids are ready for a hockey season of kids NOT WEARING MASKS UNDER PLASTIC VISORS AND HELMETS! Rep. Rob Ecklund also voted to revoke dictator powers BEFORE his voters went to the polls. Rep. Shelly Christensen keeps her head down and pretends she isn’t with the crazies in Minneapolis. BOTH REP. ECKLUND and REP. CHRISTENSEN OBEY THE MPLS DFL AND IGNORE THEIR DISTRICT. MONEY AND POWER COMES BEFORE KIDS.
Contact these representatives, and tell them “Open the schools, open business 100%, unmask the kids, AND REVOKE DICTATOR POWERS!
- Rep. Dave Lislegard – Virginia/Eveleth 218-343-7965 [email protected]
- Rep. Paul Marquart – Dillworth/Detroit Lakes 701-371-1949 [email protected]
- Rep. Gene Pelowski – Winona 651-296-8637 [email protected]
- Rep. Mike Sundin – Cloquet/Carlton County 651-296-4308 [email protected]
- Rep. Julie Sandstede – Hibbing/Chisholm 218-969-7009 [email protected]
- Rob Ecklund – I Falls to North Shore 218-341-6133 [email protected]
- Rep. Shelly Christensen – Lake Elmo/Stillwater 651-705-6368 [email protected]
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