Fun times in the Twin Cities!!!! Walz, Ellison, and Frey managed to totally bungle the George Floyd protest and riots, and they more or less sat by and watched all their social justice action friends and political supporters burn Minneapolis for 4 days.

Of course their rioting friends aren’t the problem. Nope, ITS THOSE DAMN COPS. ITS THE LACK OF “EQUITY” IN THE LEGAL AND POLICE SYSTEMS. Utopia and worldwide peace and harmony would spring forth from the ground without cops going around pissing people off. To enact this approach the Minneapolis politicians, with Walz’s consent by silence, deciding to enact the police free world with a “defund the police” movement. The city canceled new police hiring, added rules restricting police tactics and strategy for crime prevention, and cut the police budget. Since those actions weren’t enough the outward hostility of city govt got another 250 cops to quit the force or go out w/PTSD leaving the city at least 500 officers short to police the city properly.
What’s the result of all these wonderful actions to deliver “equity”?
CARJACKINGS TOP 537 IN MPLS – https://hotair.com/archives/ed-morrissey/2020/12/02/staggering-carjackings-537-minneapolis-er-odd-reason/
MURDER IS BREAKING RECORDS – https://www.google.com/amp/s/minnesota.cbslocal.com/2020/11/12/1-dead-after-attempted-robbery-in-uptown-ends-in-fatal-shooting/amp/
RECORD AUTO THEFTS – https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.kare11.com/amp/article/news/crime/auto-theft-up-41-this-year-in-minneapolis/89-8441cb09-6529-40e9-9d97-e8617e547b3b
And if you are building utopia but everything you touch turns to sh#t, what do you do?
DOUBLE DOWN OF COURSE. More “equity” is always good. Isnt it?
HENNIPIN COUNTY ATTORNEY TO STOP ASKING FOR BAIL ON MANY FELONIES INCLUDING CAR THEFT – https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.wkyc.com/amp/article/news/local/hennepin-county-announces-bai-reforms/89-f6762df8-9a05-4963-8d8f-49d1a4fe1d1e
CITY COUNCIL CONVINCED “OLD POLICING” METHODS DONT WORK – https://hotair.com/archives/ed-morrissey/2020/12/03/minneapolis-councilor-crime-wave-result-old-conventional-wisdom-policies-not-hot-new-plan-havent-yet-produced/
Why does this matter to the rest of Minnesota? The group of idiots running the disaster in Minneapolis and Hennepin County are the political agenda and prime base of support for Governor Walz and the DFL. They define who the entire DFL is today. He can say “One Minnesota” all he wants, but if you buy that lie you will be surprised when someday you wake up in Governor Walz’s “One Minneapolis”.
If Walz has to call another special session to extend his executive powers, can a protest be set for at the Capitol. believe we need to be in chambers and loud to stop the vote! It’s our house and they work for us. should be on the 10th or 11th.