Jay Duggan December 22, 2020
Minnesota is entering it’s TENTH MONTH OF A TIM WALZ DICTATORSHIP. He declared emergency powers and retains them month to month claiming the COVID health emergency requires decisions only one omnipotent man can make. The state originally claimed in March the emergency was necessary to empower Jan Malcolm and MNHealth to “flatten the curve”. “Flatten the curve” of a disease Walz admitted we will all get, but the delay would provide Jan Malcolm the time to build up ICU hospital bed capacity and all the supplies needed to help any infected citizens.
We all locked down in March and April and shuttered businesses, schools, and events to build beds and capability, and he we are 10 months later for lock down of businesses , youth sports, schools, and events Part II. Do we have more hospital ICU beds? According to charts I have seen? NO. Matter of fact in the midst of the most recent shutdown to preserve ICU beds Walz has shuttered 2 COVID hospitals, and Fairview and other providers are closing community clinics at a fast clip. ELDERCARE FACILITIES SUPERVISED BY THE STATE ARE STILL THE SOURCE OF 70+% OF ALL COVID DEATHS. To make matters worse Jan Malcolm and MNHealth are more or less admitting the data they assumed would show youth sports, restaurants, and gyms were exceptional vectors of community spread DOES NOT EXIST. In the intervening 9 months ZERO SCHOOL AGE YOUTH 5 TO 19 YRS HAVE DIED IN MINNNESOTA FROM COVID but schools and youth sports remain on the hit list as the behest of Education Minneosta for some political reason.
What has Dictator Walz and Jan Malcolm done in the face of data not proving the targeted businesses are the COVID vectors? That neighboring states with none of the same business, youth sports, school, or gym restrictions HAVE THE SAME OR BETTER COVID COMMUNITY CASE/MORTALITY DATA TRENDS? The response that restaurants and bars are 2% or less of traced COVID infections even though they are nearly the only commercial business class required to identify all their customers for tracing? That MNHealth often only asks COVID positive tested people what restaurant and bar they were at during tracing followup? His Royal Chubbyness and Jan Malcolm have decided to slowly back off youth sports and gyms AND TO PUNISH DEFIANT RESTAURANTS, BARS, AND ARTS STUDIOS.
Jan Malcolm and MNHealth are enforcing Dictator Walz’s unproven illegal continuing business shutdowns with civil and criminal fines, lawsuits, and license removals. They have been specifically having AG Keith Ellison target single women business owners to try and scare everybody else into compliance thru fear. Larvita McFarquhar of Lynd, Lisa Monet of Lakeville, Stacy Stranne of Lakeshore, and Jane Moss of E Grand Forks have all been served with a literal phone book sized stacks of citations, fines, restraining orders, license removals, civil lawsuits and even criminal charges that AG Keith Ellison sent all dressed up with a bow for Christmas. Fines in the tens of thousands, legal fees in the tens of thousands, AND THE “CIVIL” PENALTIES COME WITH A 90 DAY JAIL TERM POSSIBILITY. The Minnesota DFL hack judges have all decided its perfectly fine for Dictator Walz to write criminal law and call it “civil” regulation and enforcement and Jan Malcolm is diligently enforcing it with glee.
Either we have a representative republic or we don’t. We either have constitutional rights or we don’t. WE EITHER HAVE A REPUBLICAN SENATE MAJORITY THAT WORKS FOR IT’S VOTERS OR WE DON’T.
We have come to the end of our patience. DON’T GET MAD, GET EVEN.
#FIREJANMALCOLM, and let Walz know its coming. The first day of regular session will be a day of reckoning, for Dictator Walz…….or the Senate majority.
Buy 2 of our stickers and Tshirt and send one to your Senator so it’s the first thing they open when returning to their offices after Christmas!
Send to Senator (XYZ) at 95 University Ave West, St Paul MN 55155
T Shirt: Dont Get Mad Get Even T Shirt Unisex #FireJanMolcolm – Rocks and Cows Of Minnesota
Sweatshirt: Don’t get Mad Get even #FirejanMolcolm Unisex Sweatshirt – Rocks and Cows Of Minnesota
Sticker: DontGetMadGetEven Sticker – Rocks and Cows Of Minnesota
Walz and Ellison stop violating the constitutional rights of we the people! We will not stand for you criminalizing business owners but letting criminals topple statues and get nothing. Enough is enough
Firing Jan Malcolm should just be a start!
Jan Malcolm must be Stopped along with Walz to let the Freedom of the Minnesota people get back to normal!!!
We can make our own decisions if we choose to Go or Not go to a Restaurant or Bar or anywhere else that you have kept closed down – Use Your Heads and Not your Uncontrolled Power with lined pockets!!!
As a nurse for state of MN I am subjected to her face every time I open my computer at work, I am subject to one sided memos and videos. I have not been offered hazard pay and have been working with patients, taking continuous admits from hospitals all over the state. Forced to wear a mask and goggles throughout my entire shift. Threatened continuously by management that we will be disciplined, fired, and have vulnerable adult charges to our nursing license if we are not wearing our masks and goggles at any point. Even to take a breath. Staff with medical problems are disregarded and are threatened in termination.
She needs to go!!!
Fire Jan Malcolm. Send a message that the we have rights. And we are her employer and we want to exercise our power to end her employment.
This is by all means that she has to go. Jan failed to meet the criteria that she was asked of. This is an violation of the constitution of law. We have enough of killings, dyings , sufferings & lying to us Minnesotans. This is within our civil rights to be able to survive and provide care for their families. Fire Jan Malcolm will be a good start. Prior to the proceedings of impeach Governor Walz.
Get the crooks out of Minnesota, we deserve more than that….they are incompetent and should be in jail for the harm they have already done to Minnesota.