Jay Duggan January 16, 2021
There will be an election for the head of the Minnesota Republican Party in a few months. THE PARTY HAS ONLY A FEW MONTHS TO PICK A REAL LEADER AND PROVE TO ALL THE PEOPLE NOW PAYING ATTENTION AND INVESTED IN CONSERVATIVE PROGRESS THAT THERE IS A SYSTEM FOR THEM TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE. The party has to stand for one single unified message of freedom and less/reformed government and its benefits to schools, businesses, local government, and individuals. The message has to be unified with the legislative agenda, to give people tangible goals to achieve with their vote. The party has to convince not only people, but significant segments of the business/donor community and the local units of the party they have the infrastructure to deliver training and resources to candidates for a coordinated campaign sharing one message and set of goals. Right now the MNGOP Party and its leadership are reactive, have no message for a clearly identifiable set of agenda priorities, lack coordination with the legislature on an agenda implementation, and regular citizens and donors/business leaders see no capable infrastructure implementation, and the party has chosen not to engage any of the Walz dictatorial actions head on.
Rocks and Cows has extensively gone over how professional and organized the DFL party in Minnesota is. They are a comprehensive party coordinating the political efforts, communications, agenda, and movement of political talent upward thru the government unions, all current statewide offices, schools, universities, media, the non-profits, the courts, the entire management structure in most of the major companies, and any local units of government that people from the aforementioned groups can get control of thru local elections. With the ascendency of the progressives it has become a defacto religion in addition to a continuous career path network (I contend this all is the result of the education system feeding brain washed bodies into all these institutions, but that’s another long rant) .
Governor Tim was has assumed head of the DFL progressive religion, based and controlled in Minneapolis/St Paul, and we are getting the full culture, political, and economic cram down right now. He is enacting the full Green New Deal thru administrative action and executive decree and by constant push of the legislature using racism as his current pretext to give everything relavance.
To oppose the current Walz dictatorial assault on Minnesota and the full DFL statewide machine the Republicans need a real political party and a strategic leader to build that party. The current party leader, Jennifer Carnahan, is not that leader. We had the full Donald Trump campaign in Minnesota 1 year in advance of the election cycle not only providing boots on the ground but the money that fueled the party to voter connections for almost every candidate in the state. That money, a presidential candidate, and those national party resources will not be present for the next election cycle that has already started. If some agenda messaging, coordination with the legislature, and party infrastructure building is not started with visible progress during the regular legislative session this year there will be no statewide ability to develop a quality apparatus to stop Governor Walz and build on the 2020 party growth. Jennifer Carnahan planned nothing to run on in 2020 except the Trump campaign, and when handed Walz and the DFL burning Minneapolis for 3 days and kicking off a record murder wave she still did not coordinate a cohesive message with the caucus campaigns or federal candidates, and managed to actually gain zero seats in the metro suburbs.
State Senator Mark Koran has thrown his hat into he ring to be MNGOP Party Chair. He is a conservative with experience in the private sector and the MN Dept of Revenue. He understands its time to build a party that stops trying to come up with Republican alternatives to every DFL demand and play DFL-lite. Its time to build one party freedom and less/reformed government message, an infrastructure that brings everybody together, fills the farm team of local elections, and then provides the training and resources to make them successful candidates so they can then run for state office. The strategy he describes will give people the confidence in a fighting party to volunteer and the donors the confidence that they are funding a lasting infrastructure to power the agenda and make sucessful candidates.

Mark Koran told me of his desire to throw his hat in the ring, but this radio interview, HERE, shortly after announcement is what made me confident he would deliver if given the job.
Mark Koran’s website for his run at party chair is HERE.
Rocks And Cows have probably met him on the campaign trail, or maybe his video that we shared HERE where he reminds us that Walz is only a dictator because all the other statewide office holders of the “Executive Committee” approve it. He understands the stakes and the consequences of inferior leadership. Learn about Mark Koran for MNGOP Party Chair, and ask your BPOU leaders to investigate, because we could use a leader, a cohesive agenda, effective communication, lasting infrastructure, and a strategy to implement it all if we don’t want to live in a DFL controlled dictator state.

As far as I know Jennifer Carnahan and Senstor Mark Koran are the only 2 ppl running for the job. Senator Koran has a good strategy to be the party head that sets the strategy, sells the plan and coordination with the local party units and independent orgs, and convinces donors of follow thru to get the funding. On the radio interview Mark talks about taking a full half pay cut as Chair to allow the hiring on an experienced implementation director away from another state party that has their act together. Its time we go full time and year round like the DFL. If you want to run with the big dogs you have to get off the porch.