The Minnesota DFL party USED TO BE the party of the farmer, the laborer, and the champion of all regions and industries of the state. Mining, logging, timber and paper milling, farming, ranching, feedlots, meat packing, refining, hunting, fishing, and outdoor recreation industries used to be the sole domain of the party that was a statewide party on the power of those constituencies. The DFL was the party of rugged hard work with a charitable hand for all, and insured the success and promotion of statewide industry with the understanding they would be the guardian that the “farmers’ and “laborers” were treated fairly by those corporations and industries.
25 yrs ago first the DFL moved away from Greater Minnesota with an emphasis on liberal social values such as guns, life, religious participation in the public square. Their liberal view of social values grew their base in the Minneapolis-St Paul metro area and they retained a smaller hold in Greater MN with govt unions/institutions AND GOVT UNION JOBS that share their social values, and they had yet to directly attack jobs and industries and some of the regional party structures still even championed their local industry.
Fast forward those 25 yrs and the DFL is almost entirely a social values party of extreme “Green New Deal” socialism and almost entirely shaped and led from within the heart of the Minneapolis blob. The biggest change happened this year. The Mpls DFL finally disclosed publicly thru declaration and public action their new set of even more extreme social values and fully formed political agenda was not only incompatible with traditional family and social values of Greater MN, they now find almost every natural resource industry, added value manufacturer, and recreational manufacturer using traditional industry practices to be their social values enemy. The state laws will be designed not only to seek correction, but to punish them for their non-compatibility with the “new Green Deal” socialist agenda.
The DFL is now the “Minneapolis” extreme liberal party and they not only want all people, govt, and private institutions to bend the knee to their social values they have decided that nothing in Greater MN can happen unless it fits within or conforms to their “Green New Deal” social values. Governor Walz was caught on video describing those past 494/694 as ” a large red area, but not to worry as its mostly rocks and cows out there”, and the punitive COVID actions paired with contempt for traditional Greater MN business and you have a #RocksAnd Cows revolution that pairs almost exactly with the Trump movement to resist arrogant liberal urban “elites”.
The new “Minneapolis” DFL has attacked the following Greater MN industries and cultural institutions using the reasoning of their “Green New Deal” socialism that attaches an almost cult-like religious belief in “Man Made Global Warming” penalties or rewards to everything they can touch or control:
- Governor Walz promised if the $2billion 4000 job Line 3 pipeline REPLACEMENT thru the Northland jumped thru all the DFL appointed boards and committees and environmental laws that it would be allowed to go forward. He lied. Walz has personally decided oil products are obsolete and is suing to stop the pipeline permanently. He doesn’t care how many jobs or how much property tax revenue to the region is gone. Doesn’t fit “Minneapolis” values.
- The week following his revealed lies about Line 3 the Minneapolis DFL decided to take the mask off and the Mpls DFL declared a mining moratorium on the Iron Range for any new mineral products as official party policy. The Minneapolis DFL has told us repeatedly that natural resource jobs are dead and tech is the future. I don’t know where the rare earth minerals are going to come from for this tech revolution, but they won’t come from anywhere within 500 miles of a Mpls DFL lawyer’s seasonal lake cabin. Screw the ppl that live there. Not Minneapolis approved.
- Daley Farms in Lewiston MN wants to add 1000 dairy cattle. I’m pretty sure cows only produce milk, and milk for cheese, cream, and butter. According to the Mpls DFL donor/political activist group – MCEA (Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy) it was not enough that Daley Farms secured all necessary county and state permits for expansion by agreeing to comply with every federal and state animal waste pollution standard, or that the overall dairy herd population in SE Minnesota is actually down from past herd peaks. No, MCEA is suing Daley Farms because they have enough cows to produce a “measurable impact on climate change”. The Mpls DFL enviro-whackos are suing a dairy for cows farts and climate change. THIS LAWSUIT SHOULD BE THE SOLE FOCUS OF THE MNGOP IN GREATER MINNESOTA. THE WALZ MPCA INSTITUTED REGULATIONS AND RULES AND METHODS FOR EVAULUATING “CLIMATE IMPACT” AND ‘CLIMATE NEUTRAL” COMPLIANCE WITHOUT ANY LEGISLATION APPROVING IT, AND NOW BUSINESS IS BEING SUED OVER COW FARTS THAT COULD SET PRECEDENT TO SUE EVERYBODY IN THE ENTIRE STATE INTO ENVIRO-WHACKO COMPLIANCE AND NOT ONE POLITICIAN IS SAYING ANYTHING. If Daley Farms loses their court battle every industry in Minnesota with a “measurable climate impact” could be forced to go into the fraud green energy business for “offsets” or pay the green energy extortion (taxes) to the Mpls DFL to make compliance. This one ruling and it’s acceptance as standard practice by the Mpls DFL’s MPCA could bankrupt every feedlot in the state where farmers and ranchers operate on a profit of pennies per pound. High energy input manufacturers will shun our state like the plaque (paper mills, any iron ore value added industries, ethanol, milling, heavy manufacturing, etc). The MCEA has already stated they will use this suit as the template to apply a “carbon neutral” standard to every business enterprise in the state – HERE.
- Sand. Yes, sand. Winona County, the last stronghold of the DFL in SE Minnesota) was in cahoots with the Land Stewardship Project to regulate sand pits out of business and then sue them. Sand pit operators. Why would a Mpls DFL enviromental group (friends and partners with the MCEA kooks mentioned in the Daley Farms matter above) and the Winona DFL stop the digging of sand which had been allowed for 2 centuries? Not all sand pits. Just those sand pits THAT SUPPLIED SAND TO THE OIL FRACKING/DRILLING INDUSTRY. Welcome to Mpls DFL “Green New Deal” politics and social values. The sand pit owners sued to say excluding sand pits because of the material’s end use was illegal and took the case all the way to the MN Supreme Court. The Republican appointed justices agreed you cant prohibit a business due to the legal end use of the product, while approving the same business for another govt approved use. Guess who the Mpls DFL majority ruled? Yep, Mpls DFL enviro-whackos – 1 and Sand pit owners – 0. Maybe we mention here the MNGOP hasn’t ever formed a committee to seek conservative candidates FOR THE 125 PLUS DFL JUDGE SEATS THAT STAND FOR REELECTION UNOPPOSED EVERY EVEN YEAR!! They might want to look into that.
- Governor Walz has already started the regulatory implementation of California zero emission cars standards WITHOUT LEGISLATIVE APPROVAL that will cost the state hundreds of millions in compliance costs. Walz did this despite there not even being an electric truck option on the market, no network of charging stations, or the fact that it raises the cost of a vehicle by double to those at the bottom of the economic scale, or any accounting for those who live longer distances from work and/or regional shopping than average electric car distance capacity per single charge. Greater Minnesota should probably ask when they are forced to buy an electric car, “how many minutes of heat will the batteries give me if I go in the ditch in a blizzard?” Hopefully that would be one call the Mpls DFL would allow the sheriff to respond to. Do I even have to tell you who pays the proposed Governor Walz and Mpls DFL 20 cent gas tax? Pretty sure the F-150 owners and Greater MN workers pick up the tab for the metro Prius drivers and light rail commuters on that one.
- MCEA lawsuits and the Mpls DFL in much agreement have doubled your electric bills. Doubled by forcing expensive subsidized windmills and solar gardens on the state, fought any additional new power plants using the nearly free natural gas from North Dakota, and won’t be happy until they force the Monticello and Red Wing nuclear power plants to close early without the next set of anticipated operating extensions to make us all feel superior in the guaranteed rolling blackouts that will occur DURING THE ANNUAL LIKE CLOCKWORK SUB-ZERO WINTER PERIOD WHEN THE WIND DOES NOT BLOW. MNGOP members cutting their own party’s throat pushing MCEA garbage should turn in their membership card. It is literally social indoctrination and campaigning on behalf of the Mpls DFL.
Name me a Greater MN traditional business that isn’t in existential danger from the “green New Deal” cult of the Mpls DFL? Can a member of the Mpls DFL party in a Greater MN position actually stop their religious crusade to cram compliance down your throat? Can they get you a delay? A grandfathering? An exemption? Maybe temporarily. Realistically, a Greater MN member of the Mpls DFL economic death cult won’t even be a speed bump for their own party when they come.
Should Mower County, Nicollet County, and Hormel in Austin place their future in the hands of a member of the party determined to punish the global warming sins of feedlots?
Can Cloquet and Grand Rapids expect the local DFL to stand against the Mpls enviro-cult when they come for the paper mills or the sheetrock plant? Ask the guys on the Iron Range how that has worked out so far.
I wonder if Bemidji and Potlach really think a Mpls DFL is really looking out for them? Hedstrom and all the loggers in Cook County better not count on Tom Bakk saving their bacon, as he cant even stop gun control in the DFL anymore (that’s if his party even knows he’s still a member).
How long until the products of Polaris and Artic Cat aren’t even allowed in the ditches and on state lands? Roseau, Thief River Falls, Wyoming, and Medina should chose their representation carefully.
Add in the fact Governor Walz has managed to run his COVID emergency scam for nearly 6 months, punishing Greater MN businesses with mask police, forced resort and hospitality reductions, workplace capacity restrictions, event cancellations, and partially open schools in rural parts of the state already known for scarce daycare resources. Loggers, plumbers, paper millers, farmers, ranchers, electricians, and fishermen, guides, ATV assemblers, and window builders don’t “telecommute” to work. Greater MN gets COVID emergency punished in counties with little or no COVID cases, but Walz cant be bothered to ever test his own MNHealth inspectors going nursing home to nursing home spreading COVID infection and death. The Mpls DFL incompetence paired with the Mpls DFL open war on Greater MN has created a “last straw to break the camel’s back” and Greater MN demands a champion. #RcoksAndCows demand to be heard, and they think only Donald Trump ( and maybe Jason Lewis) are listening.
Greater Minnesota has no in-state champion. The MNGOP leadership has made no plans, platform, agenda, or signaled intentions yet to date to be that champion either. Despite being an entirely Greater MN party, they govern as if they must pander to the second ring soccer mom with a Minneapolis-centric governing philosophy and be guided by “Green New Deal” – lite social agenda. You cant endorse the necessity of a “Green New Deal” – lite climate agenda and be surprised when you are assailed on all fronts for your lack or purity on the issue later and at the same time wonder how your own voters feel abandoned by all govt in St Paul. You also can’t let the Mpls DFL spend money like drunken sailors on social services fraud and gargantuan public infrastructure project one after the other that adds not a single dime to the state tax base and be honest with yourself about honoring your duty to put your constituents in Greater MN first. When the Senate’s first remote senate hearings to kick off a new legislative year and new legislative agenda is a gun control hearing on the Iron Range to allow both parties to virtue signal BUT NOT ONE SINGLE NEW PROPOSAL TO PROTECT OR EXPAND GUNOWNERS’ RIGHTS that the Mpls DFL members must be forced to take a position on, you have failed Greater MN. Gettting the entire Iron Range DFL on the record in favor of Castle Doctrine could have come in handy during a police reform negotiation following 4 days of violent riots and arson in the metro, maybe? When the second of two remote senate hearings is in Rochester and announces it is proud to bi-partisan brag about the virtues of doubled electric bills, solar gardens, and wind mills, the feedlots and dairies around Southern Minnesota might wonder if you actually want the MCEA and the MPCA to win the lawsuits against them.
It should be enough to let the Mpls DFL be the Mpls DFL in their own little bubble. Let it be known that their rules are not going to affect the ability of Greater MN to continue their traditional businesses with the spirit of conservationism they have applied to all their works, and we can be “one Minnesota” only if we realize no parties’ religious beliefs are going to run a part of the state THEY DONT LIVE IN. The MNGOP has a lot of work to do to prove they are the champion of Greater MN and it will require all the representatives and senators being each other’s defenders for we are all in the same boat together against one common political opposition, and the creeping tendency to allow the Mpls DFL to set the field. There are years of damage that needs to be undone, regulations to roll back, and trust to be earned by focusing attention to Greater MN and those suburbs and suburban ppl that became suburban ppl BECAUSE THEY DIDNT WANT TO BE MINNEAPOLIS.
The Rocks And Cows Rebellion (and the last ring suburbs) are looking for a champion. BE THAT CHAMPION. RUN THE STATE IN MAJORITY THE SAME WAY THE DFL USED TO RUN THE STATE. THE REAL “ONE MINNESOTA”.
The Minnesota DFL party USED TO BE the party of the farmer, the laborer, and the champion of all regions and industries of the state. Mining, logging, timber and paper milling, farming, ranching, feedlots, meat packing, refining, hunting, fishing, and outdoor recreation industries used to be the sole domain of the the party that was a statewide party on the power of those constituencies. The DFL was the party of rugged hard work with a charitable hand for all, and insured the success and promotion of statewide industry with the understanding they would be the guardian that the “farmers’ and “laborers” were treated fairly by those corporations and industries.
25 yrs ago first the DFL moved away from Greater Minnesota with an emphasis on liberal social values such as guns, life, religious participation in the public square. Their liberal view of social values grew their base in the Minneapolis-St Paul metro area and they retained a smaller hold in Greater MN with govt unions/institutions AND GOVT UNION JOBS that share their social values, and they had yet to directly attack jobs and industries and some of the regional party structures still even championed their local industry.
Fast forward those 25 yrs and the DFL is almost entirely a social values party of extreme “Green New Deal” socialism and almost entirely shaped and led from within the heart of the Minneapolis blob. The biggest change happened this year. The Mpls DFL finally disclosed publicly thru declaration and public action their new set of even more extreme social values and fully formed political agenda was not only incompatible with traditonal family and social values of Greater MN, they now find almost every natural resource industry, added value manufacturer, and recreational manufacturer using traditional industry practices to be their social values enemy. The state laws will be designed not only to seek correction, but to punish them for their non-compatibility with the “new Green Deal” socialist agenda.
The DFL is now the “Minneapolis” extreme liberal party and they not only want all people, govt, and private institutions to bend the knee to their social values they have decided that nothing in Greater MN can happen unless it fits within or conforms to their “Green New Deal” social values. Governor Walz was caught on video describing those past 494/694 as ” a large red area, but not to worry as its mostly rocks and cows out there”, and the punitive COVID actions paired with contempt for traditonal Greater MN business and you have a #RocksAnd Cows revolution that pairs almost exactly with the Trump movement to resist arrogant liberal urban “elites”.
The new “Minneapolis” DFL has attacked the following Greater MN industries and cultural institutions using the reasoning of their “Green New Deal” socialism that attaches an almost cult-like religious belief in “Man Made Global Warming” penalties or rewards to everything they can touch or control:
- Governor Walz promised if the $2billion 4000 job Line 3 pipeline REPLACEMENT thru the Northland jumped thru all the DFL appointed boards and committees and enviromental laws that it would be allowed to go forward. He lied. Walz has personally decided oil products are obsolete and is suing to stop the pipeline permanently. He doesnt care how many jobs or how much property tax revenue to the region is gone. Doesn’t fit “Minneapolis” values.
- The week following his revealed lies about Line 3 the Minneapolis DFL decided to take the mask off and the Mpls DFL declared a mining moratorium on the Iron Range for any new mineral products as official party policy. The Minneapolis DFL has told us repeatedly that natural resource jobs are dead and tech is the future. I don’t know where the rare earth minerals are going to come from for this tech revolution but they won’t come from anywhere within 500 miles of a Mpls DFL lawyer’s seasonal lake cabin. Screw the ppl that live there. Not Minneapolis approved.
- Daley Farms in Lewiston MN wants to add 1000 dairy cattle. I’m pretty sure cows only produce milk, and milk for cheese, cream, and butter. According to the Mpls DFL donor/political activist group – MCEA (Minnesota Center for Enviromental Advocacy) it was not enough that Daley Farms secured all necessary county and state permits for expansion by agreeing to comply with every federal and state animal waste pollution standard, or that the overall dairy herd population in SE Minnesota is actually down from past herd peaks. No, MCEA is suing Daley Farms because they have enough cows to produce a “measureable impact on climate change”. The Mpls DFL enviro-whackos are suing a dairy for cows farts and climate change. THIS LAWSUIT SHOULD BE THE SOLE FOCUS OF THE MNGOP IN GREATER MINNESOTA. THE WALZ MPCA INSTITUTED REGULATIONS AND RULES AND METHODS FOR EVAULUATING “CLIMATE IMPACT” AND ‘CLIMATE NEUTRAL” COMPLIANCE WITHOUT ANY LEGISLATION APPROVING IT, AND NOW BUSINESS IS BEING SUED OVER COW FARTS THAT COULD SET PRECEDENT TO SUE EVERYBODY IN THE ENTIRE STATE INTO ENVIRO-WHACKO COMPLIANCE AND NOT ONE POLITICIAN IS SAYING ANYTHING. If Daley Farms loses their court battle every industry in Minnesota with a “measurable climate impact” could be forced to go into the fraud green energy business for “offsets” or pay the green energy extortion (taxes) to the Mpls DFL to make compliance. This one ruling and it’s acceptance as standard practice by the Mpls DFL’s MPCA could bankrupt every feedlot in the state where farmers and ranchers operate on a profit of pennies per pound. High energy input manufacturers will shun our state like the plaque (paper mills, any iron ore value added industries, ethanol, milling, heavy manufacturing, etc). The MCEA has already stated they will use this suit as the template to apply a “carbon neutral” standard to every business enterprise in the state – HERE.
- Sand. Yes, sand. Winona County, the last stronghold of the DFL in SE Minnesota) was in cahoots with the Land Stewardship Project to regulate sand pits out of business and then sue them. Sand pit operators. Why would a Mpls DFL enviromental group (friends and partners with the MCEA kooks mentioned in the Daley Farms matter above) and the Winona DFL stop the digging of sand which had been allowed for 2 centuries? Not all sand pits. Just those sand pits THAT SUPPLIED SAND TO THE OIL FRACKING/DRILLING INDUSTRY. Welcome to Mpls DFL “Green New Deal” politics and social values. The sand pit owners sued to say excluding sand pits because of the material’s end use was illegal, and took the case all the way to the MN Supreme Court. The Republican appointed justices agreed you cant prohibit a business due to the legal end use of the product, while approving the same business for another govt approved use. Guess who the Mpls DFL majority ruled? Yep, Mpls DFL enviro-whackos – 1 and Sand pit owners – 0. Maybe we mention here the MNGOP hasn’t ever formed a committee to seek conservative candidates FOR THE 125 PLUS DFL JUDGE SEATS THAT STAND FOR REELECTION UNOPPOSED EVERY EVEN YEAR!! They might want to look into that.
- Governor Walz has already started the regulatory implementation of California zero emission cars standards WITHOUT LEGISLATIVE APPROVAL that will cost the state hundreds of millions in compliance costs. Walz did this despite there not even being an electric truck option on the market, no network of charging stations, or the fact that it raises the cost of a vehicle by double to those at the bottom of the economic scale, or any accounting for those who live longer distances from work and/or regional shopping than average electric car distance capacity per single charge. Greater Minnesota should probably ask when they are forced to buy an electric car, “how many minutes of heat will the batteries give me if I go in the ditch in a blizzard?” Hopefully that would be one call the Mpls DFL would allow the sheriff to respond to. Do I even have to tell you who pays the proposed Governor Walz and Mpls DFL 20 cent gas tax? Pretty sure the F-150 owners and Greater MN workers pick up the tab for the metro Prius drivers and lightrail commuters on that one.
- MCEA lawsuits and the Mpls DFL in much agreement have doubled your electric bills. Doubled by forcing expensive subsidized windmills and solar gardens on the state, fought any additional new power plants using the nearly free natural gas from North Dakota, and won’t be happy until they force the Monticello and Red Wing nuclear power plants to close early without the next set of anticipated operating extensions to make us all feel superior in the guaranteed rolling blackouts that will occur DURING THE ANNUAL LIKE CLOCKWORK SUB-ZERO WINTER PERIOD WHEN THE WIND DOES NOT BLOW. MNGOP members cutting their own party’s throat pushing MCEA garbage should turn in their membership card. It is literally social indoctrination and campaigning on behalf of the Mpls DFL.
Name me a Greater MN traditional business that isn’t in existential danger from the “green New Deal” cult of the Mpls DFL? Can a member of the Mpls DFL party in a Greater MN position actually stop their religious crusade to cram compliance down your throat? Can they get you a delay? A grandfathering? An exemption? Maybe temporarily. Realistically, a Greater MN member of the Mpls DFL economic death cult won’t even be a speed bump for their own party when they come.
Should Mower County, Nicollet County, and Hormel in Austin place their future in the hands of a member of the party determined to punish the global warming sins of feedlots?
Can Cloquet and Grand Rapids expect the local DFL to stand against the Mpls enviro-cult when they come for the paper mills or the sheetrock plant? Ask the guys on the Iron Range how that has worked out so far.
I wonder if Bemidji and Potlach really think a Mpls DFL is really looking out for them? Hedstrom and all the loggers in Cook County better not count on Tom Bakk saving their bacon, as he cant even stop gun control in the DFL anymore (that’s if his party even knows he’s still a member).
How long until the products of Polaris and Artic Cat aren’t even allowed in the ditches and on state lands? Roseau, Thief River Falls, Wyoming, and Medina should chose their representation carefully.
Add in the fact Governor Walz has managed to run his COVID emergency scam for nearly 6 months, punishing Greater MN businesses with mask police, forced resort and hospitality reductions, workplace capacity restrictions, event cancellations, and partially open schools in rural parts of the state already known for scarce daycare resources. Loggers, plumbers, paper millers, farmers, ranchers, electricians, and fishermen, guides, ATV assemblers, and window builders dont “telecommute” to work. Greater MN gets COVID emergency punished in counties with little or no COVID cases, but Walz cant be bothered to ever test his own MNHealth inspectors going nursing home to nursing home spreading COVID infection and death. The Mpls DFL incompetence paired with the Mpls DFL open war on Greater MN has created a “last straw to break the camel’s back” and Greater MN demands a champion. #RcoksAndCows demand to be heard, and they think only Donald Trump ( and maybe Jason Lewis) are listening.
Greater Minnesota has no in-state champion. The MNGOP leadership has made no plans, platform, agenda, or signaled intentions yet to date to be that champion either. Despite being an entirely Greater MN party, they govern as if they must pander to the second ring soccer mom with a Minneapolis-centric governing philosophy and be guided by “Green New Deal” – lite social agenda. You cant endorse the necessity of a “Green New Deal” – lite climate agenda and be surprised when you are assailed on all fronts for your lack or purity on the issue later and at the same time wonder how your own voters feel abandoned by all govt in St Paul. You also can’t let the Mpls DFL spend money like drunken sailors on social services fraud and gargantuan public infrastructure project one after the other that adds not a single dime to the state tax base and be honest with yourself about honoring your duty to put your constituents in Greater MN first. When the Senate’s first remote senate hearings to kick off a new legislative year and new legislative agenda is a gun control hearing on the Iron Range to allow both parties to virtue signal BUT NOT ONE SINGLE NEW PROPOSAL TO PROTECT OR EXPAND GUNOWNERS’ RIGHTS that the Mpls DFL members must be forced to take a position on, you have failed Greater MN. Gettting the entire Iron Range DFL on the record in favor of Castle Doctrine could have come in handy during a police reform negotiation following 4 days of violent riots and arson in the metro, maybe? When the second of two remote senate hearings is in Rochester and announces it is proud to bi-partisan brag about the virtues of doubled electric bills, solar gardens, and wind mills, the feedlots and dairies around Southern Minnesota might wonder if you actually want the MCEA and the MPCA to win the lawsuits against them.
It should be enough to let the Mpls DFL be the Mpls DFL in their own little bubble. Let it be known that their rules are not going to affect the ability of Greater MN to continue their traditional businesses with the spirit of conservationism they have applied to all their works, and we can be “one Minnesota” only if we realize no parties’ religious beliefs are going to run a part of the state THEY DONT LIVE IN. The MNGOP has a lot of work to do to prove they are the champion of Greater MN and it will require all the representatives and senators being each others defenders for we are all in the same boat together against one common political opposition, and the creeping tendency to allow the Mpls DFL to set the field. There are years of damage that needs to be undone, regulations to roll back, and trust to be earned by focusing attention to Greater MN and those suburbs and suburban ppl that became suburban ppl BECAUSE THEY DIDNT WANT TO BE MINNEAPOLIS.
The Rocks And Cows Rebellion ( and the last ring suburbs) are looking for a champion. BE THAT CHAMPION. RUN THE STATE IN MAJORITY THE SAME WAY THE DFL USED TO RUN THE STATE. THE REAL “ONE MINNESOTA”.
These are great articles which are super informative. The fact that I see no more comments is a letdown. More Americans should be aware of the issues coming our way.
I really only see revolt in the future. I’m really disappointed that more wasn’t done about this election that was clearly rigged. I know Jason Lewis won. We only have a handful of Republicans looking out for us, and they get railroaded and ostracized every chance a dfler talks. Jeremy Munson, Steve Drazkowski, Mary Franson, Cal Bahr and now Eric Mortensen are the only champions I can think of. We have the right to overthrow a government that over steps, but I have no clue how to go about it! You’re articles are amazing and I share and promote every chance I get. If what happened for the election didn’t wake people up, I honestly don’t know what will!
I’m with you! Keep up the great work!
I have a ton of research I’ve collected that I’m not allowed to social platform share because the truth just isn’t acceptable. So if your interested, shoot me an email and I’ll forward what I have. Walz and comrades are liars, doctors are threatened, and we have entirely too many hospitals that rely on government because they too know the covid lie, but cover for their handlers, it’s pathetic!
[email protected]